No doubt you are visiting this site as someone called you to offer you to claim compensation in relation to your High Street Group investment – for a fee of course.
You may even have joined Facebook groups such as Lost Pensions and Investments, HSG Creditors or even The High Street Group - Creditors Action Group to keep yourself up to date.

Check Who You Are Dealing With
Most people don’t understand that these groups may be driven by companies intending to profit further from your losses. It is always better to get a second opinion – you’re right to have a look around!
Your IFA or friend who recommended the Group may even get a kickback on each successful claim.
But do you really want to give those people any more of your hard-earned cash?
We don’t work for free – but our fees are some of the most competitive around as we don’t share our fees with any of the sales people who were originally involved in setting you up!
Who Can We Help?
This is where it gets tricky. If you have invested via a pension vehicle we may be able to assist or let you know how you could progress a claim yourself – even if you have already received compensation via the FSCS.
If you were told by a regulated financial adviser to disinvest savings in order to invest, we also may be able to help you if you have signed a sophisticated investor or execution only declaration.
What do we know about the High Street Group?
The High Street Group was founded in 2006. More than 78 companies are in The High Street Group structure, which has now rebranded as Hadrian Real Estate. The firm raised money via loan notes.
The High Street Group (HSG) advertises itself as an award-winning family of companies successfully growing in three key sectors; Private Rental Property and Construction.
Investors recently became concerned when the company failed to make interest payments and blocked investors from redeeming their money despite guarantees of yearly redemption, whilst they were in the process of transferring its liabilities. The news hit in 2019 that the company had started to default on interest payments in and in June 2021 it passed an unusual stakeholder vote to block investors from redeeming.
Gary Forrest, The High Street Group’s founder and chairman resigned from the new entity earlier this month but has remained in charge of the original company. Mr Forrest continues to be listed as a director of more than 60 companies, such as Hadrian Real Estate, which includes Hadrian’s Holdings Limited, Hadrian’s 360 Limited and Hadrian & Co Limited.
Unsuitable Advice
If you had dealings with the company and transferred your pension you may be have been given unsuitable advice (we really don’t like using terms like ‘’ mis-sold pension transfer’’ as this is a little more technical and not all advice is automatically unsuitable) and you should get the transaction reviewed.
You may, however, think twice about using any company which cold calls you, as they have illegally obtained your personal information and will pay commissions to the guys who sold you the product in the first place – taking further advantage of your situation!
You may be entitled to Money Redress
You are eligible to take advantage of our pension claim consulting service, offering claims advice. Please contact us now, as time barring restrictions may apply.
Call our compensation experts for a no obligation chat to explore your options and get a deeper understanding of how we work before deciding on what’s best for you.
And if you have been cold called and have come across our website looking for a better deal, you are on the right track. We offer to carry out the work for a reasonable fee as we don’t buy data from the companies involved and pay them in return!
Get Claims Advice Now
Give us a call today on 0333 358 0074 for an informal chat.