ACL Consultancy Ltd has been helping people recover money for their mis-sold pension or mortgage investments for many years.
You may call it a mis-sold SIPP or investment claim, a failed investment, or simply bad pension or investment advice and we investigate the unsuitable advice. Usually this involves pursuing a claim against the regulated IFA firm that provided the pension switching advice.

If a firm is still trading the complaint is pursued directly and the Financial Ombudsman Services (FOS) and the independent arbitrator – will make a decision if the firm should reject a complaint. The maximum compensation which can be awarded is £150,000.00
Sadly, there is a clear trend of companies closing down once the FOS has started awarding compensation – especially if the firm either doesn’t have sufficient indemnity insurance cover or if the insurer disputes that the advice existed within the cover provided.
IFA’s move on from one firm to either another regulated firm (phoenixing) or they exit the regulated market and offer/arrange investments without FCA license (for example, Investaco, Atlantic Overseas Investments Limited and 1994 Exclusive Investments Ltd). The IFAs moving from one regulated firm to another leave the bill for compensation claims to be picked up by the FSCS.
Unfortunately in these cases the maximum compensation which can be achieved is £50,000.00
Recent Developments in Accountability
The newest development is that SIPP providers are being held accountable for allowing high risk and unregulated investments within their portfolios.
This means any person who has not been fully compensated may raise an additional mis-sold SIPP claim for compensation against the SIPP provider for their uncompensated losses.
Each case, of course, has to be assessed on its own merits and no two cases are the same.
So whether you’ve invested with the Montpelier SIPP (Montpelier Pension Administration Services Limited, known as MPAS), Harlequin Overseas Property, Pointon York, in Carbon Credits or the Lifetime SIPP in Dolphin Capital or Harmony Bay you may be entitled to further compensation.
Act Quickly To Claim For Uncompensated Losses
Unfortunately, time limitations may apply – don’t run out of time and contact us today!