Are you one of the many clients who has invested into the Greyfriars Portfolio 6 – managed by Best Assets Management?
Most clients approach us with another failed investment such as Dolphin Capital, or ABC Bonds. They are usually not even aware that there is a problem with the portfolio as the valuation of the investments is steady.

The Problem With Greyfriars Portfolio 6
The companies involved are filing millions in losses, and if you look closer you may find that the firms are linked by directors or ex-employees. There are no independent or impartial valuations.
You may ask why is this not common knowledge. Well, the SIPP providers keep asking the firms, which are failing, to provide current valuations, which is essentially asking the fox in the hen house to confirm how many hens are left.
Greyfriars Investments
Greyfriars have been in a lot of trouble surrounding the lack of due diligence in relation to other investments.
The Portfolio Six is a discretionary managed investment portfolio made up of ‘non-correlated investments’ including corporate bonds. A recent report stated that it had over 1,000 investors with £40 million under management.
Portfolio 6 bond investments include:
- The Resort Group –Hotel developments in Cape Verde
- The Olmsted Series – US property investments
- Orthios Eco Parks – Power station Holyhead, Anglesey
- Enviroparks – development facility in Wales
- Uavend – UK based property and redevelopment projects
- Lanner Car Park Bonds –UK car parking sites
Get Your Transaction Reviewed
If you have invested in the portfolio or are dissatisfied with your SIPP investment now may be the time to get the transaction reviewed.
Get claims advice and speak to one of our pension consulting specialists. We can give you direction to progress a complaint yourself or assist in the process.
As we don’t buy data from the investment or adviser companies we don’t cold call, meaning our fees are reasonable. And you’ll only ever pay on success – once you’ve received your money redress and are satisfied with the service we have provided.