Situated in the heart of eastern Spain, Los Pandos offered a new generation of investment products aimed at a global community of discerning investors.

The company promised to be different by working in harmony with their surroundings, thriving to create socially justifiable, intelligent environments offering ecologically sound investment opportunities when taking deposits on Los Pandos, an unregulated collective investment.

Los Pandos – Martin Clews

Most clients were promised investment returns and benefits up to 40% over a 2 year period with free hotel stays.

The concept was designed to impress, but has left people left with empty retirement funds and no money has been returned.

If you are in this position, don’t wait for quarterly progress reports and continue paying your SIPP provider fees. Act straight away.

If you have lost money please contact us today as you may be entitled to compensation – but you should act now as time limitations may apply!