As of 15th October 2020 the newest bankruptcy announcement has been made.

If you are a cash or SSAS investor you urgently need to put a claim into the insolvency administrators as set out below:

The insolvency administrator is the lawyer Justus von Buchwaldt,

Domsheide 3, 28195 Bremen,

Tel .: 0421 – 430 59 39 0,

Fax: 0421 – 430 59 39-29,


Internet: www.bbl

Insolvency claims must be registered with the insolvency administrator in writing by November 25, 2020 in accordance with Section 174 InsO

On Friday, December 11th, 2020, 10:00 a.m., Die Glocke (Bremen), Domsheide 6-8, 28195 Bremen, a reporting date will be held in front of the insolvency court to hold a creditors’ meeting.

The document is available here for your perusal: Company_Profile

If you have invested in Dolphin Capital via a SIPP or Family Pension Trust you should check with your SIPP providers, as they may not be aware of this.

Claims Information

This is important, please share within investor groups, so that all investors can drive their SIPP and SSAS providers to act.

Cash investors also need to submit this, as there may not be records of them within the company files

Please download the German claims form for registering claims (and a basic translation) here:
German Claims Form
Claim Form Translation

Submissions can only be made after the respective procedure has been opened. This is not yet possible during the preliminary procedure.

You can find any insolvency announcements at reference 531 IN 1/20. Changes to the status of the procedure are published there.

Need More Help?

You may also benefit from talking to one of our case managers.

Please feel free to call us and discuss your options.

We hope his information helps –  The Pension Redress Team